Please refer to original docs for general Orca operation.

Keyboard shortcuts

⇥ Tab - Toggles info bar visibility
⎋ Esc - Removes selection focus
Space - Toggles play state, stop kills all notes.
⌥ Cmd / ^ Ctrl + - Increments BPM + 10.
⌥ Cmd / ^ Ctrl + - Decrements BPM - 10.

Key / Encoder controls

K1 + E1 - Select operator

K1 + E2 - Select value 0 – z

K1 + E3 - Select note A – G

K2 - Clear character

K2 - Toggle play/stop


A - add(a b): Outputs sum of inputs.
B - subtract(a b): Outputs difference of inputs.
C - clock(rate mod): Outputs modulo of frame.
D - delay(rate mod): Bangs on modulo of frame.
E - east: Moves eastward, or bangs.
F - if(a b): Bangs if inputs are equal.
G - generator(x y len): Writes operands with offset.
H - halt: Halts southward operand.
I - increment(step mod): Increments southward operand.
J - jumper(val): Outputs northward operand.
K - konkat(len): Reads multiple variables.
L - less(a b): Outputs smallest of inputs.
M - multiply(a b): Outputs product of inputs.
N - north: Moves Northward, or bangs.
O - read(x y read): Reads operand with offset.
P - push(len key val): Writes eastward operand.
Q - query(x y len): Reads operands with offset.
R - random(min max): Outputs random value.
S - south: Moves southward, or bangs.
T - track(key len val): Reads eastward operand.
U - uclid(step max): Bangs on Euclidean rhythm.
V - variable(write read): Reads and writes variable.
W - west: Moves westward, or bangs.
X - write(x y val): Writes operand with offset.
Y - jymper(val): Outputs westward operand.
Z - lerp(rate target): Transitions operand to input.
* - bang: Bangs neighboring operands.
# - comment: Halts a line.

Norns Operators

$ - r.note(scale-mode note): Outputs random note within scale.
? - levels(param value): Sets selected volume level on bang.
/ - softcut(playhead rec play level rate position).
\ - softcut param(playhead param value): Sets softcut param on bang.
| - synth(octave note): Plays a note with the synth engine.
- - synth param(param value): Sets synth param on bang.
- - - midi(channel octave note velocity length): Sends a MIDI note.
% - mono(channel octave note velocity length): Sends monophonic MIDI note.
! - cc(channel knob value): Sends MIDI control change.
& - midi in(channel): Outputs received midi note.
^ - cc in(cc): Outputs received midi cc value.
~ - crow cv(channel octave note attack release level):
] - crow ii jf note(channel octave note level): Just Friends over i2c in voice mode.
} - crow ii jf voice(octave note level): Just Friends over i2c in note mode.
` - crow w/syn(octave note level):
> - g.write(x y value): Sets Grid LED on bang.
< - y): Reads specific coordinates. If value > 6 outputs bang.
( - Reads Arc encoder value
= - OSC (path;x;y..): Locks each consecutive eastwardly ports. ; is delimeter for values.

$ Random Note

The R.NOTE operator $ takes 2 inputs(scale-mode, note).

This operator generates a scale based on the given mode (default is Dorian) and note/key (default is C). For example to generate an F natural minor scale enter $2F. There are 35 different modes to choose from:

1 - Major
2 - Natural Minor
3 - Harmonic Minor
4 - Melodic Minor
5 - Dorian
6 - Phrygian
7 - Lydian
8 - Mixolydian
9 - Locrian
a - Gypsy Minor
b - Whole Tone
c - Major Pentatonic
d - Minor Pentatonic
e - Major Bebop
f - Altered Scale
g - Dorian Bebop
h - Mixolydian Bebop
i - Blues Scale
j - Diminished Whole Half
k - Diminished Half Whole
l - Neapolitan Major
m - Hungarian Major
n - Harmonic Major
o - Hungarian Minor
p - Lydian Minor
q - Neapolitan Minor
r - Major Locrian
s - Leading Whole Tone
t - Six Tone Symmetrical
u - Arabian
v - Balinese
w - Byzantine
x - Hungarian Gypsy
y - Persian
z - East Indian Purvi

? Levels

The LEVELS operator ? takes 2 inputs(param, value).

There are 9 different params that can be modulated on the fly with this operator:

1 - level output channels
2 - level engine master
3 - level softcut master
4 - level ADC input
5 - reverb engine level
6 - softcut reverb level
7 - reverb DAC level
8 - softcut ADC level
9 - softcut engine level

In order to trigger parameter setting a bang * has to occure on the left side of operator. The value is simply the percentage to set the level 0 is 0% z is 100%. For example ?5z will set the engine reverb to 100%, or ?2h will set the engine volume level to 50%.

/ Softcut

The SOFTCUT operator / takes up to 6 inputs (playhead rec play level rate position).

This operator receives a MIDI note from a MIDI controller, based on the channel value (default is channel 1).

  • playhead
    • 0 - 6 - softcut voice
  • rec
  • play
    • 0 - disables play;
    • 1 - enables play
  • level
    • 0 - min, z - max
  • rate
    • 0 - 2x speed (reverse)
    • i - normal (default)
    • z - 2x speed (forwards)
  • position
    • 0 - beginning of buffer, z - length of buffer.

\ Softcut parameters

A subset of Softcut’s params are availabe with the SOFTCUT PARAMS operator \ (playhead param value). These 3 params are always required (along with a bang) to modulate a given parameter.

  • playhead

  • 0 - beginning of buffer, z - end of buffer.

  • 1 - Source
    0 - 0 ADC level, 0 Softcut engine level; 1 - 1 ADC level, 0 Softcut engine level; 2 - 0 ADC level, 1 Softcut engine level; 3 - 1 ADC level, 1 Softcut engine level;

  • 2 - Pan
    0 - full left, 1 - centered, 2 - full right

  • 3 - Rate slew time
    0 - 0s, z - 35s

  • 4 - Level slew time
    0 - 0s, z - 35s

| Synth / Engine

The SYNTH operator | inputs vary based on selected engine, but (octave, note …) are always required (along with a bang) to produce sound.

There are 4 different engine supported by Orca FM7, Passersby, PolyPerc, and Timber. Within the params menu engines can be changed.

⚠️ Note: when changing engines you will have to reengage the clock by pressing K3.


A “Polyphonic Synthesizer for Norns With 6 Operator Frequency Modulation”. When this engine is selected, the SYNTH operator | takes up to 4 different inputs (octave, note, voice, amp). For example |4C.. will play a C at the 4th octave (Midi scale).

  • octave
    values: 0-7
  • note
    values: AG
  • voice
    values: 0 - 0s, z - 1.5s
  • amp
    values: 0 - 0.0, z - 1.0


A “West Coast style mono synth”. When this engine is selected, the SYNTH operator | takes up to 6 different inputs (octave, note, velocity, timbre, pitchBend, pressure). For example |4Cz... will play a C at the 4th octave (Midi scale) with a velocity of 255.

  • octave
    values: 0-7
  • note
    values: AG
  • velocity
    values: 0 - 0, z - 125
  • timbre
    values: 0 - 0.0, z - 1.0
  • pitchBend
    values: 0 - 0.0, z - 1.0
  • pressure
    values: 0 - 1.5, z - 3.0


A “simple polyphonic filtered decaying square wave”. When this engine is selected, the SYNTH operaptor | takes up to 2 inputs (octave, note). For example |4C will play a C at the 4th octave (Midi scale).

  • octave
    values: 0-7
  • note
    values: AG


A sample player engine and two scripts for norns. When this engine is selected, the SYNTH operator | takes up to 5 inputs (octave note sample level position). For example |4C1 will play the first sample and tune it a C at the 4th octave (Midi scale).

  • octave
    values: 0-7
  • note
    values: AG
  • sample
    values: 0 - 1, z - 36
  • level
    values: 0 - -48db, z - 16db
  • position
    values: 0 - start of sample z - end of sample

Note, in order for the position param to affect a clip, Timber only supports audio samples that are maximum: 10 seconds mono and 5 seconds stereo, as stated in the Timber source code. Longer clips (maximum 2 hours @ 44100 sample rate) can be played back, but position will have no effect.

Additional details However, By reducing the sample rate you can use longer clips with the `position` param, because there's a direct relationship between mono/stereo, sample rate, and length of audio.


  • Max 5 seconds stereo @ 44100 sample rate
  • Max 10 seconds stereo @ 22050 sample rate
  • Max 20 seconds stereo @ 11025 sample rate
  • and so on…


  • Max 10 seconds mono @ 44100 sample rate
  • Max 20 seconds mono @ 22050 sample rate
  • Max 40 seconds mono @ 11025 sample rate
  • and so on…

- Synth / Engine Parameters

Each synth engine has numerous settings to modulate its sound profile. The SYNTH PARAM operator - are (param value) (except for FM7 see below) these 2 params are always required (along with a bang) to modulate a given parameter.


When this engine is selected the SYNTH PARAM operator - takes up to 3 inputs (param value voice). This particular engine allows for a complex combination of params. For example -5i1 sets the “Osc(illator) Amp(litude) Env(elope) Attack” to 5.14 seconds for voice 1. Load the included to fm7-demo.orca demo to see more params (be sure to select FM7 within the params menu first).

1 - Osc Frequency Multiplier (Hz)
2 - Osc Phase (radians)
3 - Osc Amplitude (decibels)
4 - Carrier Amplitude (decibels)
5 - Osc Amp Env Attack (seconds)
6 - Osc Amp Env Decay (seconds)
7 - Osc Amp Env Sustain (decibels)
8 - Osc Amp Env Release (seconds)
9 - Osc1 Phase Mod Osc (decibels)
a - Osc2 Phase Mod Osc (decibels)
b - Osc3 Phase Mod Osc (decibels)
c - Osc4 Phase Mod Osc (decibels)
d - Osc5 Phase Mod Osc (decibels)
e - Osc6 Phase Mod Osc (decibels)


When this engine is selected the SYNTH PARAM operator - takes up to 2 inputs (param value). For example -51 sets the “Envelope Type " to "LPG". Load the included to passersby-demo.orca demo to see more params (be sure to select Passersby within the params menu first).

1 - Amp
2 - Attack (seconds)
3 - Decay (seconds)
4 - Drift
5 - Envelope Type: 1 - LPG, 2 - Sustain
6 - FM Low Amount
7 - FM Low Ratio
8 - FM High Amount
9 - FM High Ratio
a - Glide (seconds)
b - LFO Frequency (Hz)
c - LFO Shape: 1 - Triangle, 2 - Ramp, 3 - Square, 4 - Random
d - LFO > Attack
e - LFO > Decay
f - LFO > FM Low
g - LFO > FM High
h - LFO > Frequency (Hz)
i - LFO > Peak
j - LFO > Reverb Mix
k - LFO > Wave Folds
l - LFO > Wave Shape
m - Peak (Hz)
n - Pitch Bend All
o - Pressure All
p - Reverb Mix
q - Timbre All
r - Wave Folds
s - Wave Shape


When this engine is selected the SYNTH PARAM operator - takes up to 2 inputs (param value). For example -3z sets the “Release” to 3200ms. Load the included to polyperc-demo.orca demo to see more params (be sure to select PolyPerc within the params menu first).

1 - Pulse width (%)
2 - Amp
3 - Release (seconds)
4 - Cutoff (Hz)
5 - Gain
6 - Pan: 0 - left, i - center, z - right


When this engine is seleted the SYNTH PARAM operator - takes up to 3 inputs (param value sample). For example -811 sets the filter type to “high pass” for sample 1.

1 - Amp env attack
2 - Amp env decay
3 - Amp env sustain
4 - Amp env release
5 - Detune cents
6 - Stretch [percentage]
7 - Filter freq
8 - Filter resonance
9 - Filter type: 0 - Low Pass, 1 - High Pass
a - Quality: 0 - Nasty, 1 - Low, 2 - Medium, 3 - High
b - Freq mod LFO 1
c - Freq mod LFO 2
d - Filter freq mod LFO 1
e - Filter freq mod LFO 2
f - Pan mod LFO 1
g - Pan mod LFO 2
h - Amp mod LFO 1
i - Amp mod LFO 2
j - Freq mod envelope
k - Filter freq mod envelope
l - Filter freq mod velocity
m - Filter freq mod pressure
n - Filter tracking
o - Pan mod envelope
p - Envelope attack
q - Envelope decay
r - Envelope sustain
s - Transpose
t - Stretch [length]
u - Stretch [bars]: 0 - 1/64 - d - 1 bar
v - Pan: 0 - left, i - center, z - right
w - Amp
x - Envelope release
y - Start frame
z - End frame

- Midi Out

The MIDI operator - takes up to 5 inputs (channel octave note velocity length).

See Orca’s Midi documentation

% Midi Out Mono

The MONO operator % takes up to 5 inputs (channel octave note velocity length).

See Orca’s Midi Mono documentation

! Midi CC

The CC operator ! takes 3 inputs (channel knob value).

See Orca’s Midi CC documentation

& Midi Input

The MIDI IN operator & takes 1 input(channel).

This operator receives a MIDI note from a MIDI controller, based on the channel value (default is channel 1).

^ Midi Input CC

The CC IN operator ^ takes 1 input(channel).

This operator receives a MIDI CC message from a MIDI controller, based on the channel value (default is channel 1).

~ Crow CV

The CROW CV operator ~ takes up to 6 parameters (channel octave note attack release level).

  • channel
    • values:
      • 0 - crow out 1 is 1v/Oct CV and out 2 is an AR envelope;
      • 1 - crow out 3 is 1v/Oct CV and out 2 is AR envelope.
  • octave
    • values: 0-7
  • note
    • values: AG
  • attack
    • values: 0 - 0s, z - 1.5s
  • release
    • values: 0 - 0s, z - 3s
  • level
    • values: 0 - 0V, z - 10V

For example ~04Chhz sets channel to value 0, plays a C4 note with a 750ms attack, 750ms release, at 10V.

] Crow JF II Note

The CROW JF II NOTE operator ] takes up to 4 parameters (channel octave note level). For this operator, channel can be set 0-5 and sets which channel the voice is playing from.

} Crow JF II Voice

The CROW JF II VOICE operator ] takes up to 3 parameters (octave note level).

` Crow W/Syn

The CROW JF W/SYN operator ` takes up to 3 parameters (octave note level).

> Grid Write

The G.WRITE operator > takes up to 3 inputs (x y value) and activates Grid LED at given x, y coordinate.

< Grid Read

The G.READ operator < takes up to 3 inputs (x y value) and read Grid at given x, y coordinate.

( Arc Read

The A.READ operator ( takes 1 input(enc) and reads given Arc encoder value.

= OSC Send

The OSC operator = takes up to 1 input(path;x;y..) locking each consecutive eastwardly ports. ; is delimeter for sending OSC values.

See Root Orca’s OSC documentation